Monday, April 20, 2009

Whip Cracking

Crack... Crack...Crack.......Crack.Crack. You get the idea. I like loud noises like these because they remind me of reports at fireworks displays. And on top of that, this guy does some very interesting manipulations and directions of his whip. I'd love to see him with a chair and some sort of top hat on. I bet he'd really intimidate a lion or tiger.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Rubix while Jugglin

The rubix cube is one of those things that I've learned to solve then just didn't bother practicing, improving, or remembering. Really, if you gave me enough time, I may be able to remember how to get to 2x2x3 solved with a cross on the bottom, but the corners would give me a conniption. This guy manages to solve the damn thing while keeping up a juggle, though he does slip from 333 to 423 several times. I won't fault him for needing the extra time. I just wish I could have found the video of the guy at Renegade, IJA 2006 who solved the rubix cube while juggling while giving dental advice. It was so freakin entertaining.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tractor Square Dancing

So tractors are a big thing when you're out on the farm. They help you haul wood, dig holes, plow your fields, and dance a merry jig. Wait! What? These guys use their tractors to dance a square dance. The "girl" tractors have umbrellas and bonnets on their male drivers. This is awesome not only because its high-class hick entertainment, but they do it so freaking well. Look how close their tires come!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Finger Ballet

From the original, Greg Irwin. I've recently heard about some immitators taking this finger thing even farther, but I'm going to track them down later. This man started doing weird things with his fingers, compartmentalizing the actions for each finger in his mind, over 20 years ago. This video, from almost 20 years ago, has him performing a complex routine on the Johnny Carson show.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Playing Spoons

Happy Good Friday! Let's celebrate with a video with a couple guys with really high pants. These two oldsters really know how to play one of the great folk instruments of all time, the spoons. Another musical instrument, I know, but then again, its not really a musical instrument. No more than your nose would be. The video has this kind of happy quality about it, and I wholeheartedly recommend you watch it for at least a minute in case you don't love it immediately.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Trick Deals

Luke Wilson is a name I've heard bandied about quite a bit in the juggling community, and I have to say I don't know why. I've never seen him perform, or if I have, it hasn't caused a sticky memory. And I've never heard of a trick named after him, such as the Wilson Wild arms. But this Luke Wilson (not saying he's the same guy) does some really nice stuff with deck stacking and top-, bottom- and center-dealing. Enjoy.

Dealer Wins from Luke Wilson on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

5 Acrylics Pic

This was a gem for me to find at Burning Club juggling festival this weekend. Doug, my little brother, juggling five acrylic balls. Probably my favorite juggling picture I've ever seen.

Full Body Burn

While this isn't really much of a skill, I still think its awesome. Seeing people light themselves on fire for fun and profit makes me think just splashing yourself with a bucket of water isn't enough anymore. Perhaps I'll start splashing myself with a bucket of gas. It would dry my skin out something fierce, but it would look coooool.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Japanese Kendama Artist

This one took me a while, not only because I couldn't find a good video of this guy doing kendama, but also because I had to come to terms with the French actually providing me with what I needed. People who know me understand how hard this will be, but I say "Thank you, Frenchys, for making this video available to the world. This guy, Yusuke Ito, is one of the best kendama-ists I've ever seen. He does amazing things with two kendama and plays with them off string! I don't know anyone who has the guts to do that, even on their most basic tricks.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Crop Circles for Fun and Profit

In honor of today's status as the king of all prank days, today's video has to do with how you make a crop circle. These guys actually video taped themselves in the dead of night making a circle in someone's field using a 50 ft string. The hard part is not actually making the circle, but designing one that will look awesomezorz. Some of the ones I've seen make me wonder if we shouldn't begin to consider them art forms, instead of a public nusicance.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Polish Beat Box Competition

Yes, another music-related skill. But this time I have no conception of the difficulty involved. I've done my share of singing and playing instruments, but this combines the two and makes something quite unique. The sounds this guy makes would put him in the category of percussion music, except he's not playing the drums. He says words, but he's not rapping. It's really unique.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Pot Manipulation

Once again, I'm amazed at what someone can do with a heavy object. This guy tosses a large clay pot like its a beach ball, spins it on his head, and could probably do it while eating an apple. Impressive, but just imaging what he could do with THREE of those pots, spinning, flipping, knocking him unconscious because of lack of concentration.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Double Dutch in San Fran

This video makes me smile. The skill and choreography in this video just amazes me. Really, I never thought there was so much to do with double dutch jump rope. I like their transitions from one to two people holding ends of two ropes. It reminds me of take-outs and the wally walk while passing clubs. Some of the ideas they had for interaction while jumping were cool too. Since they offer lessons, that's just one more reason to go visit San Francisco.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Floor Exercise with Ball

I'm not one for one-object manipulation. I know there is almost an infinite variety of things to do with one of anything, but it just seems so.... boring. Of course, when you bring a person with a rubbery spine, some interesting things can happen. Like, people making innuendos about handling their balls. For some reason people outside the juggling world are not familiar with these? Or maybe we've just heard them so often, they aren't funny anymore.

P.S. I disapprove of the title for this video, but the gymnast is very skilled, both with her gymnastic moves and with the manipulation of the ball.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dice Stacking

Yet another skill that cannot be explained by random chance. This guy has some really cool moves in this movie using just a few die and a cup. If only it could be a little more useful, maybe stacking them with certain sides showing. I was really disappointed when I found out that dice stackers don't really care about the side showing. How are you going to impress the gamblers in the streets of Turkey?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

British Contortion

You don't often see those two words together. And I think this is actually kind of a misnomer here, because the woman in the video is definitely Asian. And she's definitely not a circus performer. This woman, who was on Britain's Got Talent, makes your joints hurt just looking at her. And your teeth. Also, I'm not sure she has bones at all. Maybe some form of squishy cartilage, instead.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Capella Live Looping

I'm not sure that I've ever seen anything quite as cool as this. This guy uses software to record his singing, then loops that to create a background for his next loop. I explored some of the multi-instrument people doing this, and their stuff just sounds like garbage. This guy, on the other hand, has a great sound and I really like this song. I think the human voice has a bigger range and better harmonies than the improvised works from a plethora of different instruments. And it doesn't hurt that he's recording this while driving!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Trix with Brix

Cigar boxes started when a guy thought "Hey, I can use these old pieces of trash to make a fool of myself" over 100 years ago. A juggler, if I ever heard one. They have diverged from toss juggling since then that many people consider cigar box manipulation its own unique art. Since all the tricks can be replicated with props of different shapes, I'm not so sure I agree. This video gets one and a half thumbs up. The only thing wrong with this video is that it has a guy dressed like a mime.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Extreme Unicycling

I just heard that one of my good friends, who is attending a prestigious circus school, is going to take Extreme Unicycling as his second specialty. So he will be both an amazing juggler and crazy one-wheeled wonder.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Golf Ball Bouncing on a Wedge

I'm disappointed in the quality of videos and tricks out there right now for the golfball on a club. There is so much you could do with that. Stupid Tiger Woods, for bringing it to national attention, then letting the skill lapse. Why do we have to live in a free market, where he isn't rewarded equally for bouncing a ball on a golf club and playing golf? I mean, they are both just hobbies!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Wannabe Ninja

Remember Or Ninjas have been cool for a number of years now, but there just weren't enough people actually emulating them. This video is what the cool ninja kids are doing now. Seeing him performing these stunts in a mall, I wonder if any security guards tried to chase him. And if they would ever have succeeded.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Shadow Puppet Sex

Saucy puppet can involve shadows too. The guy doing this must have both a lot of time on his hands and the imagination of a string of Larry Flints. He uses hand puppets to do the nasty. The horizontal mambo. The monster mash. The bed boogie. Hanky panky. The mommy-daddy dance. The wild thing. And now we can add shadow lovin'.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Basketball Manipulation

I've sold out!!! Why, oh why, did Nike have to do such a cool basketball manipulation video for a commercial? Why?!?! Oh, wait, I'm not getting paid, so I guess I couldn't have "sold" out. Maybe I just got "awesomed" out? It would fit with my current status in the world.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Pop and Lock Dancing

Dancing is a huge subject, and there is a lot I could talk about. And a lot I can't do. In today's post, we explore the awesomeness that is David Elsewhere. He's a pop-and-locker such as the world may never have seen before. His moves are so unnatural but cool. I'm just afraid that since he appeared at Kollaberation 2001, his skills haven't improved. I know how adult jugglers progress slower than the kids. Way slower.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

DDR Freestyle - Falling in Love

So, at one time I was deeply involved in the DDR scene. I got up to the tippy top, completing 10 footers, back when there weren't any 11 footers or glowing 10 footers. I never did have any flash or pizazz when I was playing, just hitting the notes as they came, trying to get perfects. There was one guy at our club who specialized in foot slides, and did many of his songs facing away from the video screen. I wish I had worked more on choreographing and memorizing dances. I think it would have killed, and still would, provided the song wasn't removed from the current mixes.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Isolating a Hoop

Back to the hoops I was thinking about last Monday. Today's entry is a different manipulation technique for a hula hoop. It's a more... acceptable form of hooping for me, as a male, to do. Any kind of islolation takes massive skill, time, and patience to perfect, and this guy obviously spent the time in front of a mirror. His stuff is crisp, its asthetically pleasing, and its presented well. All I could ask for is the skill to do it myself.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Kettle Bell Juggling

This one goes out to my second reader, a history buff from Toledo. Comrade, Enjoy!.

Juggling has gotten to be all about skill. People just don't appreciate how much work it takes to run a 5 ball or 5 club pattern anymore. The guys out there who juggle kettlebells, now they know exactly how much work it takes. This guy, and the other kettlebell enthusiasts out there, should be well aware of the soviet tradition of the kettlebell, with their national competitions and belief that it is the perfect piece of exercise equipment for the proletariat. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to give them a thumbs down for not actually juggling. Despite the weight, two objects with two hands is not juggling. Sorry buddy.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Butterfly Knife Girl

I have my first blog followers, and since they've identified themselves to me, I am going to honor by doing theme blogs for them.

The woman who stars in today's video strip has skillz, they involve a deadly implement, and she's so sultry!!! The spinning knife, the average videography, the white tank top; it all comes together in a flurry of greatness as yet unrivaled. I think I'm in love!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Throw Cans Blind

So I was browsing around, looking for more awesomness I can't do, and this one caught my eye. It reminded me a lot of the ping pong post I did earlier, because I have no idea how many times they had to do the takes before they hit these things. Their acting makes it look so effortless.

Hooping with a Small Hoop

The hula hoops don't just come in the large size. That would make the whole thing too easy. Here we see a nice young woman playing with a 27" hoop she made herself. Notice that it all looks really cool when a cute girl is doing it.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Traditional Hooping

Hula Hooping has taken on a bit of a juggling flare. People are treating it as if there is skill involved, unlike 30 years ago when the craze first swept the US. Now everyone is getting into it, except men, because its not a manly thing to do. Still, I do think it would be fun to learn. And probably not that hard, if my experience with object manipulation is any indication.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Soccer Freestyle

Kicking... I've just never gotten the hang of it. Why can't I kick things with accuracy, precision, and control? ... ... ... Don't worry, it was a rhetorical question. This guy can kick like a crazy man. Well, not just kick, but also control a soccer ball on just about any other part of his body. At least I got him beat in the hands area (I think).

What I like the best about soccer freestyling is that they only do those crazy leg-around-the-ball tricks once in a while. There is so much more to do with a soccer ball. The freestyle footbaggers don't understand that, and frankly, I find most of their stuff boring. At least these guys have variety to their sport.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ping Pong Ball Tossing

I've gotten a couple requests to change this blog from a juggling blog to a blog chronicling some of the craziest trick videos I know. Should I? Perhaps, since I haven't juggled all weekend, and its time for me to come back here.

Ping pong is ok, but really, all it is in indoor tennis. Add a little bit of object manipulation thinking with a stir of drink games, and you get this ping-pong guy.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Welcome to my juggling blog.

First Post! Yes, yes, I know this isn't a comment's section. Sorry.

This is a juggling blog. I juggle as a hobby, so this will be a blog about that. But I am also going to include a cool video each time I drop a blog on here. I've seen tons of cool videos out there, and I'll link to them. They won't always be about juggling. I think I'll classify them as "things I wish I could do."

I'll start off with one of the most famous martial artists ever, doing one of the coolest stunts I've ever seen. Bruce Lee Playing Ping-pong!!! With Nunchaku!!

Bruce Lee Plays Ping Pong with Nunchuks