Friday, April 2, 2010

Thriller in Jail

Who says going to jail isn't good for anything? I found a prime example of going to jail and learning a valuable skill: Dancing. Imagine 1500 of the hardest criminals in the land participating in a huge thriller remake. Well, now you don't have to imagine anymore. The video below has 1500 inmates from a prison in the Philippines doing exactly that.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

3D Paper

Some day I'll find something about phone book 3D sculpted portraits to show you, but today you'll just have to settle for this 3D paper artwork. It doesn't look to hard, but after making it, you can assume you are indeed awesome.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Pool Illusion

Have you ever just wanted to jump into a pool for the hell of it? Have you ever been walking around an airport and seen one that looked so inviting you could hardly stand it? And did that pool have perfectly dry people walking around on the floor?!?!? An optical illusion, this "pool" is a pane of glass or clear plastic, tinted blue, with a thing layer of water on top. Give the whole scene that 'wet' feeling without having to get 'wet.'

Friday, March 26, 2010

Can and Balls

This one makes me really jealous. The idea of a can and tennis balls is so simplistic and elegant that I can't believe people didn't come up with it long long ago; only long (x1) ago. This guy has taken it farther, going to ridiculous extremes of control and multiplex awesomeness.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


So, the original OK GO video, the one that made them famous, was a one-take choreography involving 4 treadmills. Very creative, probably pretty cheap to put together, and yet still very cool. This time, their video is just freakin' amazing. They fill an entire warehouse with a single Rube Goldberg device!!! (Yes, that is 3 exclamation marks. Feel free to faint, ladies.) Makes me wish I was in show business just so I could have had the chance to help design/build that. Unfortunately, I don't really like the song. *Shrug

Monday, March 22, 2010

2-Foot Unicycle

Why hasn't someone engineered and made something as cool as a unicycle body with feet instead of a wheel? The answer is "someone has." Jay Gilligan, a performer living in Sweden, has gotten a hold of one and released a video of him tooling around on it. Don't let the video name fool you. This is not actually the new "5 club backcross." That's "5-club lazies."

Friday, March 19, 2010

Origami Swan

While the maker of this video can't spell, he certainly knows how to make an impression using small paper triangles. After watching this, I'm inspired to try my hand. But I'm also a little scared by the required time. If this swan either laid eggs or was a boat, I'd be much more inclined to actually try.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Never Ending Puzzle

Cubes! Cubes! Cubes! They are everywhere one looks when dealing with basic 3D geometry! Now they come to you in pieces, which all happen to look the same. And you see they end up being fractals, as well. Cube and Snowflake, both apparently fractals and both available for purchase. What a wonderful world we live in.

Monday, March 15, 2010

World Record Domino Fall

I was watching some videos about dominos and reading about the world record attempts. I found this ~3 minute video that shows the highlights. Supposedly, the 4+ million domino world record took over 2 hours to fall. That just boggles my mind. BOGGLED!!!

P.S. Notice also that these people occasionally get to fly around the room in cradles to stack. Joy.