Friday, February 27, 2009

Pop and Lock Dancing

Dancing is a huge subject, and there is a lot I could talk about. And a lot I can't do. In today's post, we explore the awesomeness that is David Elsewhere. He's a pop-and-locker such as the world may never have seen before. His moves are so unnatural but cool. I'm just afraid that since he appeared at Kollaberation 2001, his skills haven't improved. I know how adult jugglers progress slower than the kids. Way slower.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

DDR Freestyle - Falling in Love

So, at one time I was deeply involved in the DDR scene. I got up to the tippy top, completing 10 footers, back when there weren't any 11 footers or glowing 10 footers. I never did have any flash or pizazz when I was playing, just hitting the notes as they came, trying to get perfects. There was one guy at our club who specialized in foot slides, and did many of his songs facing away from the video screen. I wish I had worked more on choreographing and memorizing dances. I think it would have killed, and still would, provided the song wasn't removed from the current mixes.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Isolating a Hoop

Back to the hoops I was thinking about last Monday. Today's entry is a different manipulation technique for a hula hoop. It's a more... acceptable form of hooping for me, as a male, to do. Any kind of islolation takes massive skill, time, and patience to perfect, and this guy obviously spent the time in front of a mirror. His stuff is crisp, its asthetically pleasing, and its presented well. All I could ask for is the skill to do it myself.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Kettle Bell Juggling

This one goes out to my second reader, a history buff from Toledo. Comrade, Enjoy!.

Juggling has gotten to be all about skill. People just don't appreciate how much work it takes to run a 5 ball or 5 club pattern anymore. The guys out there who juggle kettlebells, now they know exactly how much work it takes. This guy, and the other kettlebell enthusiasts out there, should be well aware of the soviet tradition of the kettlebell, with their national competitions and belief that it is the perfect piece of exercise equipment for the proletariat. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to give them a thumbs down for not actually juggling. Despite the weight, two objects with two hands is not juggling. Sorry buddy.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Butterfly Knife Girl

I have my first blog followers, and since they've identified themselves to me, I am going to honor by doing theme blogs for them.

The woman who stars in today's video strip has skillz, they involve a deadly implement, and she's so sultry!!! The spinning knife, the average videography, the white tank top; it all comes together in a flurry of greatness as yet unrivaled. I think I'm in love!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Throw Cans Blind

So I was browsing around, looking for more awesomness I can't do, and this one caught my eye. It reminded me a lot of the ping pong post I did earlier, because I have no idea how many times they had to do the takes before they hit these things. Their acting makes it look so effortless.

Hooping with a Small Hoop

The hula hoops don't just come in the large size. That would make the whole thing too easy. Here we see a nice young woman playing with a 27" hoop she made herself. Notice that it all looks really cool when a cute girl is doing it.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Traditional Hooping

Hula Hooping has taken on a bit of a juggling flare. People are treating it as if there is skill involved, unlike 30 years ago when the craze first swept the US. Now everyone is getting into it, except men, because its not a manly thing to do. Still, I do think it would be fun to learn. And probably not that hard, if my experience with object manipulation is any indication.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Soccer Freestyle

Kicking... I've just never gotten the hang of it. Why can't I kick things with accuracy, precision, and control? ... ... ... Don't worry, it was a rhetorical question. This guy can kick like a crazy man. Well, not just kick, but also control a soccer ball on just about any other part of his body. At least I got him beat in the hands area (I think).

What I like the best about soccer freestyling is that they only do those crazy leg-around-the-ball tricks once in a while. There is so much more to do with a soccer ball. The freestyle footbaggers don't understand that, and frankly, I find most of their stuff boring. At least these guys have variety to their sport.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ping Pong Ball Tossing

I've gotten a couple requests to change this blog from a juggling blog to a blog chronicling some of the craziest trick videos I know. Should I? Perhaps, since I haven't juggled all weekend, and its time for me to come back here.

Ping pong is ok, but really, all it is in indoor tennis. Add a little bit of object manipulation thinking with a stir of drink games, and you get this ping-pong guy.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Welcome to my juggling blog.

First Post! Yes, yes, I know this isn't a comment's section. Sorry.

This is a juggling blog. I juggle as a hobby, so this will be a blog about that. But I am also going to include a cool video each time I drop a blog on here. I've seen tons of cool videos out there, and I'll link to them. They won't always be about juggling. I think I'll classify them as "things I wish I could do."

I'll start off with one of the most famous martial artists ever, doing one of the coolest stunts I've ever seen. Bruce Lee Playing Ping-pong!!! With Nunchaku!!

Bruce Lee Plays Ping Pong with Nunchuks